Fall Means Community Garden Signups!

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Plots in the Adair Park 2 Community Garden are opening up for Fall 2023 – Spring 2024. If you are interested in having a plot, see info below! All neighbors are welcome to join us for any of the listed events.

The Murph Community Garden was founded in 2021 by a dedicated group of neighbors and volunteers. We assign plots each year based on request and availability. Signups are for Fall 2023 – Spring 2024. There will be a separate sign-up period for Summer 2024. There is water and organic soil available to gardeners on-site, as well as simple gardening tools.

Those who have been assigned a plot will be sent a Garden Agreement, a link to pay dues ($25) and information on how to succeed in the Garden! Free plots are available for those who may not be able to afford dues. There will be a New Member Orientation (TBD) to help gardners have a successful growing season.

Join us on Saturday, September 23 from 9AM – 11AM in the garden as we cleanup, weed and mulch the area to prepare it for Fall Planting! Gloves, tools, water and light snacks provided. Wear closed-toe shoes and clothes you can get dirty.

On Wednesday, September 27, neighbors are invited to gather in the garden from 5PM – 7PM for beverages and community! We will have some leftover bevs from Porches & Pies to share.

The garden is located in Adair Park 2 on the Murphy side by the City of Atlanta Parks Maintanence Building. Closest parking is on Gillette Ave SW. All are welcome!